Audio module

Sounds, streaming (musics or custom sources), recording, spatialization. More...


class  sf::Listener
 The audio listener is the point in the scene from where all the sounds are heard. More...
class  sf::Music
 Streamed music played from an audio file. More...
class  sf::Sound
 Regular sound that can be played in the audio environment. More...
class  sf::SoundBuffer
 Storage for audio samples defining a sound. More...
class  sf::SoundBufferRecorder
 Specialized SoundRecorder which stores the captured audio data into a sound buffer. More...
class  sf::SoundRecorder
 Abstract base class for capturing sound data. More...
class  sf::SoundSource
 Base class defining a sound's properties. More...
class  sf::SoundStream
 Abstract base class for streamed audio sources. More...

Detailed Description

Sounds, streaming (musics or custom sources), recording, spatialization.